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About UCPath

What is UCPath?

PPS is 35 years old and failing.

UCPath is an opportunity to re-think how we do work and to standardize our processes.

UCPath will deliver access to the data and reports we need to work smarter.

UC Path graphic chart

UCPath Center | New Payroll System | New Business Processes | Discover UCPath

(Click on a topic above to learn more)

What does this mean for me? UC Path Center graphic

  • Payroll actions will be centralized at the UCPath Center (UCPC).

  • Transactions that could be done quickly in PPS will take more time.

  • New portal will deliver real-time data.

  • Some customer support will be available through UCPC and Portal.

 What does this mean for me? New Payroll System graphic

  • Most operational changes will initially affect HRPC. 

  • Paper paychecks will no longer be delivered to campus.

  • There will be a new portal for staff and managers with better, real-time data.

  • UCPath will deliver access to the data and reports we need to work smarter. 

What does this mean for me? New Business Processes

  • A single, standardized system to initiate all payroll actions (OnBase) when we go live.

  • Standardized, streamlined personnel business process and a new system for work-flow over the next 6 to 8 months.



Discover UCPath