UCPath is currently 5 versions behind the current Oracle PeoplesSoft System Version 44, and as a result improved efficiencies and functionality cannot be implemented. On June 20, 2023, UCPath Upgrade will move UCPath from version 37 to version 44.
Major appearance changes are identified below.
Tile arrangement and how they are displayed in the PeopleSoft Homepage will change.
Previously you would need to click on the Compass icon to access your Recently Visited pages and your Favorites. Now, they will display on the Quick Access bar for easy access.
The Hompage Selector is now located on the left side of the page. Users can navigate to the various pages from the dropdown menu or using the arrow keys located on the upper right of the page.
The menu search has been enhanced to allow for additional content. This may be limited based on your role security.
Users who wish to use the classic navigation process, will now see the breadcrumbs in the NavBar.